Posts in Counselling
Courtney Ferreira, MS, RD, LDN

I am still working on my elevator speech because I feel that I do so many things right now! A lot of people are clueless as to what a dietitian does. When they ask I like to explain the typical tasks of a clinical dietitian such as nutrition support, charting, and educations. I also love explaining to people the ways that I spread nutrition information and why brands value dietitians. People’s ears seem to perk up when I say I do television appearances.

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Lacy Ngo, MS, RD

As the sole owner of Mindfulness in Faith and Food, LLC my tasks include everything from writing posts, budgeting, business accounting, promoting, graphic design, fixing website issues, staying up-to-date in research, recipe testing, etc.

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Meg Hagar, MS, RD, CDN, CLT, CHHP

I started as a licensed esthetician and found that often diet plays a huge role in the appearance and function of our skin. Through my studies I learned how much of a basis nutrition is for optimal functioning of all organs and health. I decided I wanted to help people on a deeper level and help them heal from the inside out.

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Becky Kerkenbush, MS, RD-AP, CSG, CD

My first job lead me to a skilled nursing facility, which was part of a small community hospital. I not only worked in long-term care there, but also in the outpatient setting. This offered me a diverse work experience and a valuable foundation for nutrition knowledge and skills. After this, I wanted to work in clinical nutrition and I’ve been there ever since. Clinical nutrition allows me to continue my work with the geriatric population, as well as practice in the areas of nutrition support, acute illness and chronic disease.

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