Posts tagged speaker
Gillean Barkyoumb, MS, RD

I started working at Isagenix in the R&D department as a Science Communications Specialist 8 years ago and have bounced around between the sales and marketing departments for the last four years. I am so grateful for the opportunities for growth and experience they have provided for me.

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Courtney Ferreira, MS, RD, LDN

I am still working on my elevator speech because I feel that I do so many things right now! A lot of people are clueless as to what a dietitian does. When they ask I like to explain the typical tasks of a clinical dietitian such as nutrition support, charting, and educations. I also love explaining to people the ways that I spread nutrition information and why brands value dietitians. People’s ears seem to perk up when I say I do television appearances.

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Cara Rosenbloom, RD

I watch nutrition and food trends and follow the science, then I consolidate the most important nutrition information into articles, lectures, recipes, soundbites and blogs that the public can understand. My goal is to translate the complex world of nutrition into clear, concise and useful information for consumers. I’m a trend spotter, myth buster and reporter. I try to inspire people to eat better, even if it’s just through one small change. 

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