Caitlin Boudreau, RD, MPH





for something nutrishus

I knew Caitlin online as Wee Nourish before I knew her actual name, which reminds me of being introduced to other dietitians at conferences as Nutrishus RD or the something nutrishus dietitian. Career paths often intrigue me, as dietitians have various reasons for finding different roles and this applies to Caitlin as explained below. I also love learning unique new things about them, such as their second language or favourite food/meal.

Why did you become a RD? 

I think I was drawn to the practicality of nutrition. Coming from a psychology background, I’ve always been interested in food and people’s eating choices.

What area of dietetics do you work in? 

A bit of a mix really. Mostly pediatrics, with a side of oncology.

How would you explain what you do? 

I help support parents with feeding their little ones, and work to reduce anxieties and frustrations that come with that. My goal is to help parents build a positive feeding relationship, and to avoid and manage picky eating. I can relate to so many of the struggles my clients have as a mom of two little ones myself.

What are your ‘typical’ daily/weekly tasks? 

I’m on social media more than I would like to be, but this seems to be a key part of my work as a private practice dietitian. I write Facebook and blog posts, do live videos, and prepare for upcoming workshops both online and in-person. My practice is shifting to one that offers more support online and by phone, so I’m often on calls with parents throughout the day. And when I’m not doing that, I’m chasing my toddler and preschooler around as I’m home part-time with them.

What has been your career path? 

I started in addictions, as a clinical dietitian at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health in Toronto. After my mat leave, I decided to switch gears and create my own job in an area I’ve become very passionate about, pediatrics. I’m still working in my private practice in this area. As someone who has always liked to try new things, I’ve recently started working casually as a clinical dietitian with the BC Cancer Agency, which has proved to be incredibly interesting and meaningful work.

What advanced education or special training do you have?

I completed a Master of Public Health in Community Nutrition from the University of Toronto. I also speak Spanish fluently (does that count?).

In an ideal world, what does the industry look like 5 years from now? 

I wish there was a better understanding from the public and other health professionals about what RDs actually do and what we have to offer. And I’d love to see more collaboration between RDs. I often sense that RDs feel like they’re in competition with one another, instead of joining forces to create something bigger and better.

What would you like people to know about RDs? 

I would love for people to know that dietitians all have their own lenses and biases. I think this is true for all professions, but for some reason I find dietitians tend to get painted with the same brush. I think this is what makes us great. We each have something unique to offer, and what fits for one client may not work for another.

What makes RDs unique/different from other nutrition/wellness professionals? 

Being a great dietitian is definitely a craft. I think what sets us apart from other wellness professionals is that we have the knowledge base and skills to take evidence-based information and translate it in a way that is practical and useful.

What is your favourite meal? 

Sushi. So cliche as a west coaster, but I seriously think I could eat it just about every day.

What tip(s) would you give to our readers? 

I remember something an experienced dietitian (Carol Dombrow) once said during my practicum that stuck with me. Her advice was to stay open to all areas of nutrition and opportunities that arose and never close the door on anything. This has kind of been my motto ever since I finished school. Sometimes you think your path will lead you a certain way, but it doesn’t. It might lead you somewhere even better.

More about Caitlin:

Website: Wee Nourish

Facebook: Wee Nourish Nutrition


Thanks Caitlin!