Brianna Elliott, MS, RD, LD

My main responsibilities are to help with the planning and nutrition analysis of our 9 different menus and provide nutrition education and counseling to our clients. My job also involves a lot of community nutrition outreach—a couple of my favorite aspects of this are helping run our Summer Meals Program and helping our chefs plan our monthly cooking classes.

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Stephanie Hnatiuk RD, CDE, PTS

I’m so passionate about what Dietitians do because we understand that there is no one best diet or way of eating for everyone. We can see beyond fads and trends in wellness and dieting and truly see the client sitting in front of us and figure out what’s best for THEM. Because we all have to experience a wide variety of clinical areas as interns I think it really demonstrates the vast array of nutrition therapies we might one day need to help a patient, client, or resident optimize their health. 

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Courtney Ferreira, MS, RD, LDN

I am still working on my elevator speech because I feel that I do so many things right now! A lot of people are clueless as to what a dietitian does. When they ask I like to explain the typical tasks of a clinical dietitian such as nutrition support, charting, and educations. I also love explaining to people the ways that I spread nutrition information and why brands value dietitians. People’s ears seem to perk up when I say I do television appearances.

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Lacy Ngo, MS, RD

As the sole owner of Mindfulness in Faith and Food, LLC my tasks include everything from writing posts, budgeting, business accounting, promoting, graphic design, fixing website issues, staying up-to-date in research, recipe testing, etc.

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Kitty Broihier, MS, RD, LD

Despite thinking I wanted to work in clinical dietetics and majoring in Dietetic at Michigan State Univ., once I was knee-deep in my internship (at the Univ. of Iowa Hospitals) I realized I really wanted to reach more people than I could doing one-on-one consulting. I also realized I liked writing/marketing and the creativity of developing materials, so I went into nutrition communications.

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